Moses H. Arnold - (“Moch”) Pvt. 5/3/1862. Discharged 5/16/1862.
Brother of Oliver H. Arnold of same company.
Oglethorpe Echo Newspaper
Friday, Jan 5th, 1906
At his old home near Crawford, Saturday morning last at four o’clock came the end of the long and useful life of Mr. Moke H. Arnold, one of the county’s oldest and most highly esteemed citizens. Mr. Arnold had been in declining health for some months and had been confined to his room a week or so. His death was due mainly to the wearing out of nature, he being in his seventy fourth year. He is survived by one brother, O. H. Arnold and by four daughters and three sons, namely: Mrs Walter Maxwell of Crawford, Mrs. W. A. North and Mrs. W. C. Edwards of Carrollton, Mrs. J. T. Griffith of Athens, Mr. D. H. Arnold of Elberton, Hon. A. J. Arnold of Monroe, and Mr. R. P. Arnold of Crawford. He was a man true to every obligation as a citizen, a neighbor, a friend, a husband, and a father. From boyhood he was a member of the Baptist Church and a consistent Christian. Funeral services were held over the remains Sunday morning at Crawford Baptist Church, conducted by Revs John D. Mell and P. W. Davis.