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Photo courtesy of Mr. Mark Phillips
Hudgins, Francis L. - 4th Sgt. 9/26/61. Seriously wounded at Malvern Hill, Va, in arm. 7/1/62; shot through the body,7/1/63 . Appointed 1st Sgt.12/17/64. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. 4/9/65. (Born in DeKalb County, Ga. October 17, 1842. Died at Confederate Soldiers' Home in Atlanta, Ga. November 27, 1928. Buried at Prospect Methodist Church Cemetery, Chamblee, Ga.) Sgt Hudgins was the Historian and Adjutant of the 38th Georgia Regiment Association after the war. Capt William C. Mathews recalled, Company K was one of the best fighting companies in the regiment. We sometimes called them the “orphans” because in every fight they would lose their commander and a sergeant would command them. This always fell on Sgt, F. L. Hudgins, and he was always equal to the occasion, no matter what it was. Wounded several times severely, he always got back in time for the next fight. He commanded the company for the last six months of the war and it has no better commander than he. He was a truly brave and gallant soldier.”

Photo of tombstone courtesy of Ms. Gail Gross, Great granddaughter of F. L. Hudgins.